Saturday, November 28, 2020

Monday 12/10/2020

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Monday and the start of a new week.

Not much to be shared today. Work is work and it will be unethical if ku share about my work kan. Anyhoot balik keraja atu we went for a lil bit of pantry shopping and then aku atu kan share pasal this drink yang menjadi kegilaan my office mate. Old Town Teh Tarik ani they mixed it with milo and it became Tehlo Tarik and they absolutely love it. Alum plang ku cuba salnya takut ku jadi ketagih manis bah tu barang atu. Takut halai eh hahahaha.

Malam atu c Aileen masuk bilik kami and biasalah. C belabih ani pandai udah ya membawa diri dalam bilik. Nganya kalau nampak my wife kompom kan mau ke badan saja.

Til my next post. Stay safe everyone!


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