Monday, December 30, 2019

Wednesday 25/12/2019

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

You know guys sekali sekala cuti during mid-week atu mcm siuk plang nganya at the same time kalau nda disambung cuti atu buring tah jua. Unless kalau aku keraja govt masih kompom Rabu Cuti Khamis Keraja Jumaat Cuti Sabtu Keraja Ahad Cuti. Well preferrences sorg sorg jua bah yang banarnya aaa. 

Hari ani makan besar. Masa makan di Anjung udah kami plan kan membali kambing apa. We did it yesterday so today most of the cooking would be my responsible. Nda ku tergambar kambing. By the time everything was on the table i was already knackered.

Stayed in all afternoon then malamnya my Wife minta bawa berjalan. Biasalah kan esok durg horay horay so tonight she used my money to do some shopping di Mothercare haha.

Ending the night fixing our craving for some Ice Chocolate drinks at Gloria Jeans PGGMB. Esok keraja but both of us was so tired and tired hehehe.


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