Thursday, December 26, 2019

Monday 16/12/2019

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Monday di dalam bulan Disember is always a bitter sweet one. Why? Well opis sunyi so workload atu close  to non-existent. Nganya tu nah the bitter bit. Bilanya u have to drag yourself to work. Waking up in the morning especially on those cold ones are just a momentous task on itself.

We were on our way picking up food yang di order nya sekali biasalah aku being my usual self. Ku nyanyikan tah lagu birthday untuknya. Kiyut lagi like aiii nada org surprise kan kek untukku kali nah udah kami naik pandai malu kana saprais kah kah kah. Another December baby and another makan makan di office. Thanks for the treat Ka Siti.

I was washing my mug sekali nampak ku Ka Noy menganggung beg and i thought hell yeah we got food and good cake. Guess what? Ka Noy's creation never disappoint! 

You know when i said ISM ber makan besar is never an understatement. When we planned to eat we eat big. Hence why most of us are getting wider hahaha.

Perut kenyang then you have to sit down for a meeting with the rest of the ND's Uniform for 2020. Malas ku ah yang banarnya.

I think its safe for me to share a few ideas lah aa. So this year DARe would be memakai cara melayu. And the motive would be calak Brunei especially with the sinjang. Too bad nda cukup masa or else we'll get a proper tenun Brunei.

Having our chat during lunch time and munching over a few stuff that a colleague brought from her recent trip to Bangkok. The cookies was super yummy. Even though it said its a cookie but it is more of a cracker. And according to my colleague even the Guava pun nyaman especially kalau bercacah kicap. 

Mua org sasak pasal katanya ujan and nda jadi jog. Kali nyangku eh ranyai2 saja tu. Di Bandar alum tantu ujan. Ku pajal jua suruh bertukar. Kah kah kah sekalinya mereply gambar ani. No kasian sorry!

Almost two weeks or is it over? Antahlah but not bad lah masih ku mampu kan menyampaikan 3 Km. Nganya menganang my Wife nda tah ku memajal. And guess what i haven't done any walkabout ever since this damn cough berbalik semula!


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