Tuesday, December 31, 2019

A Decade of Changes?

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

10 hours to go and we will be in 2020. That's right guys it has been a decade. So just by typing this giving me a good idea on how i looked like over the past decade.

But first when i browsed my blog i came across this photo and my heart sank a bit. Definitely missing all my grannies. But as i keep on saying life goes on but we must all cherished our memories with them and always have a place and time for them in our doas.

So without further or due let's doa my face comparison from 2011 - 2019. Baru ya a proper decade of changes.

2011. Kenangan ni sanggup bah tangah malam di bulan puasa bergambar. Forever ku keep ni gambar ani hahaha.

2012. Bergambar di Lambak ni arah umah my late grannies. The light played well in this photo hence my hair-do looked dapper!

2013. Taken during raya. Masih a few stones lighter lunggar bah baju aaa.

2014. Musim gym bermula taing all those proteins lah apa wreck havoc on me. Badan pun mengajut naik guys!

2015. Pose menunjukkan muka ku bertakah hitam which i continue to suffer til today. Sniff! Sniff! Sniff!

2016. Taken a few months after getting married. If i'm not mistaken this was in November kali.

2017. Bila aku sudah pindah keraja di BSB. Notice how lebar my face are hahaha.

2018. Last year and the changes is getting significance udah hahahaha.

2019. Taken today and the thought of turning 40 years old next year. Teeheehee am i ready? Who cares. Time will never wait for you. You just need to grab it while you can. 

One thing yang aku selalu kana advice above everything else was to take a good care of my health. In shaa Allah akan selalu ku usahakan.


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