Saturday, December 14, 2019

Wednesday 04/12/2019

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Wow i'm on a role. Rajin ku blogging hari ani hahahaha.

Just another wet Wednesday morning. In fact it's been gloom for quite a few days udah.

A colleague returned from her vacation in Canada today. And she brought some maple syrup cookies. Man these things are sweet.

Hari yang ditunggu2 telah tiba hahahaha. Well the planning to held the fire alarm exercise day was long and an exhausting one. I'm just glad that i can help a bit saja.

Cold day and hungry. Picked my Wife from her office than bawa ye ke One City Mall in Sg Hanching. Had KFC for lunch owh that was good and my Wife had Auntie Anne's.

Remember when i said it's been all gloomy all week. Today were no different. Time to head for an early lunch.

Had mee mamak at Nadj. And my goodness it was delicious! Way more delicious than WANIKA. Damn i shouldn't even mention it again!

Yatah paingan ku ni kalau kan mau tau. When i was given a task that needed me to dig into information and then i had this knack about clicking my pen hence messing with my palm. Every single time!


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