Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Tuesday 31/12/2019

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Honestly guys aku atu mcm contemplating either to release all the posts without 31st punya post. So see how lah cemana later on. But for sure this post going to be continue to be updated as the day progress nganya kamu nda dpt meliat la. Maksudku mcm live update baaa.

Breakfast of champion ni  talur pacah pacah campur tomato ketchup, macik tu yo! hahahaha.

The smell of our kitchen this morning was filled with this. My MiL was busy hustling it just to finish all of this morning's order.

Last tah ni hari ani jeraya langang so kami laki bini took our sweet time. Lagi tia aku aa. Kan membawa kedia breakfast kali since kami udah makan awal nda tia jadi. Straight to work saja.

Thanks Boustead BN.

It was indeed hari makan besar se opis sedunia. Kan everywhere ku liat on Social Media banyak yang makan makan hehehe. Alhamdulillah semoga silaturrahim antara tani dan rakan rakan sekerja sentiasa dlm keadaan yang baik rapat. Amin Ya Rabb.

Kinda messed up with the settings since i'm doing this post using my smartphone. So balik keraja atu taus tah ku singgah kadai jap and just grab a few keropoks just in case my Wife plan kan binge-ing with movies later on. 

Last last membali tah kami food di KTM. Baru ya santai saja new year's eve kami. Nda salah pun kan. Yth nya my Mil masa ya di dapur keciuman baru asap bbq, bunyi org karaoke and badil hehehe.

Late late night dinner. Ordered pad thai and wow berubah banar rasanya udah. Too salty and definitely not in the same level with NurWanita. Nganya too bad biniku nda berapa suka makan sana.

Alhamdulillah dengan ini tamatlah sudah post for December 2019. Yay! See you guys in 2020 in shaa Allah. Happy new year all!


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