Sunday, November 18, 2018

Wednesday 07/11/2018

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

And when i thought nda perlu ke site then the contractor texted me up needing my assistance to decide on my latest project.

Kekadang siuk jua keraja luar ani. Kekadang when it gets too repetitive ani. Boring tah jua. Mana lagi bertamu dengan panas matahari. Nda minat aaaaa

My Wife not feeling well and tired so i told her aga ambil csds and get some rest. Come noon time bila aku atu kan nap nah ada tia kana tanya where am i. Showed them my face then kana balas with these two munchkins. 

Dark coffee as a pre-workout!

Ku kuatkan hati untuk menyampati jog di kawasan Jame. Mesti dikuati walaupun the weather looks like going to rain in a short while but alhamdulillah the weather managed to stay dry.

That is how i looked like when i'm done. Usul saja perasaan macam rugged time berlusir tapi hakikatnya kepisan hahahaha. Honestly aku nda plang kisah share gambar yang menunjukkan paot ku meladit ani. Its the truth bah and in shaa Allah i'm trying to change it. I know its gonna be hard and my God it indeed is hard and a very long journey. Hopefully come next year i look a lil bit lighter.

Another wet night.


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