Friday, April 30, 2021

Tuesday 09/03/2021

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ


Santai santai dulu di pantry mendengar riuh piuk my colleagues having breakfast. Biasalah guys namanya Tuesday kan ke KB tah kami tu.

Apparently, its our colleague's Darren birthday today. Padantah kedia balik balik bertanya kami ada kah nda di office today hehehehehe.

Pit stop sebelum sampai Kb. Kena isi paot dulu before going for our meeting.

Skipping straight to lunch time. Meeting was stretch sampai limpas kul 12 hahaha baik jua masih buka c Qawi ani. Atupun nda g ada mee gorengnya boohoo.

Stopped by at Masjid Jamalul Alam Kb for Zuhur then taus kejumpaan my old colleague, Hj Salleh. Siuk jua bercerita and catching up on things hehe.

Picked up my wife at home for dinner and we decided to have dinner di Sengkurong. Kebab night baby, Alhamdulillah.


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