Friday, April 30, 2021

Sunday 14/03/2021

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ


Before heading to KB, we stopped at Sapphira Restaurant for brunch. The usual gig for us guys just the cakes that my wife love. Also today we tried their nasi lemaks. It's alright plang and I did enjoy the chicken. Unfortunately, though the sambal is just basically sambal penyet hence syg laaaa.

Alhamdulillah guys! After 5 years of marriage barutah kami mampu membali bedroom set. Atu pun honestly all my wife's hardwork. Lurus tah kata my friend atu. It takes years after getting married for you to have stable finance. Then it is just a matter of planning for the future. Honestly, we are not there yet but we are working to achieve just that. The journey of a married couple differs guys. Never ever compare yours with others. Allah Taala ani maha adil setiap org ada bahagiannya di dunia ani.

Taking the long way back to KB. Mencuba route jalan lama then masuk lamunin and then keluar Tanjung Maya. It really was a long journey and I super enjoyed it. Nganya my wife nda suka nyahahahaha.

Craving for begedil. Both my wife and I enjoyed this while watching Juara Lagu on TV3. Lain rasanya guys bercuti ani walaupun tah esok is our last day. Eh jap lupa ku aa actually last day for my wife. Aku menyambung sampai Tuesday.


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