Friday, April 30, 2021

Thursday 18/03/2021

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ


I would like to start today's update with these beauties here. We are basically still celebrating a few colleague's birthdays. Yang ku tau birthday c Sybah and sorg lagi sapa kah lupa halai. Meriah kan pantry kami.

We had a monthly meeting for our team with the HOD today. And when you tried to keep up with the agendas and your colleague just being crazy with their hp! Ahahahahah pacah bah. Miani deh diri kan serious bila mencek hp. Mana lagi mata HOD malar arah diri eh gila eh.

Just after noontime taus tah ku moved to Radisson to join the afternoon session of our internal training.

And of course, heading straight into the coffee machine to have my favorite coffee. Happy man!

The food during the last meal service. Didn't had much since I was still full from all the food galore earlier today.

Just sharing some of the photos I managed to take during the afternoon session. And with this ladies and gentlemen, the internal training session is officially over.

FYI, Aileen now knows how to request my laptop. She would tap the bed than mimicking me typing the keyboard. Belabih!


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