Monday, January 07, 2019

Short One Saja

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Let's update a bit lah ah for my blog ani. Since we are already in January and satu post pun alum kan dibuat. Hows your new year so far guys? Managed to start another new year resolution? Hahaha bollocks tu barang atu in my humble opinion. Konon kan buat ani lah bila tahun baru. 2nd of January berubah tah balik.

For me a new hope is better than a resolution. Make sense? No? Well maksud ku atu lets just hope for better years than it was in 2018. Let's start making a few changes in our life albeit fitness or health wise to our personal relationship with our loved ones, families, friends or people in general.

Give more to charity is also a good start to a better life. Let's share mana yang tani dpt share even kalau tani rasa atu buatkan tani rasa kapih but in shaa Allah. The more we shared the more Allah will give us. Mungkin nda dengan cash but kesihatan, masa tani or maybe pendapatan tani masih sama akan tetapi no matter how singkat pun rasanya at times in shaa Allah ianya cukup.

Banyak yang ku inginkan di tahun baru ani personally but for now cukuptah ani saja dulu yang ku share. Owh btw i haven't really start blogging. Cerita harian hidupku will be posted every fortnight lah aa. Nda ku jadi sebulan atu cam batah jua usulnya. See how lah how its goes if cantik i posted it once every two weeks. If not udah ujung bulan baru ku post. See how lah aa. So until then take care everyone!


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