Thursday, January 31, 2019

Thursday 31/01/2019

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Last post for January.

Slept quite early because i needed to wake up at 4 am just to catch the Liverpool V Leicester game. Baik jua seri bah. Definitely one of Liverpool's worse showing for the season. Could have lost lagi but i take a point over this type of performance.

Left home early because my Wife meng order egg tart nyaman ani di Selayun. Told her hit me a few baby. Owh so good!

Had a few can of this thing just to shake off my sleepiness. Work a bit but a nap in the afternoon really helps a lot. Had a good nap during lunch time and i woke up feeling absolutely fresh.

Another wedding invitation i received today. And this time it is for Afiqah's wedding which apparently coincides with Hakimah's wedding. Hmmm berpikir tah ku ni cemana ku kan mencuri masa untuk menghadiri perkahwinan durg dua ani.

i only ran 11 times and did 15.33 km worth of running this month and honest that is not good at all. So here is my target for the month of February. To better the distance of my running as well kurangkan tu berat badan ah. Jantah di liat tu berat badan ku aaa. That was taken way in December before ku damam. Now kompom naik hahaha.

It was raining when we were on our way home. And its tahlil night tonight and i very well know that it will be way pass 8 pm baru tah kan start sembahyang isya and then baca surah yassin n tahlil. Jadinya udah 9.30 barutah kan makan. Ahir bah yth ku gtau my Wife baiktah kitani had dinner awal plus jua since ujan jeraya kompom jam sana sini. Lets take our time eating just to kill sometime while waiting for the traffic to ease up abit.

Remember when i said 8.30pm baru kan mula. Well it was about 3 minutes to half past eight when i arrived and guess what? Duiiii santai masih bilang org bah hahaha alum tah lagi mula bah. Sengaja udah tu ku akhir.

Acara tahlil pun bermula. Nda ramai turn out tonight. Hujan jua bah yth malas org kan berjalan and then at the same time ada yg kurg sehat ada jua yg menghadiri undangan kahwin ythh nda ramai.

Okay its mamam time. Food was looking absolutely delicious tonight. Too bad aku nda mau makan lagi. Well mengambil jua lah aku karipap seputung dua but im not having a proper meal this late at night.

I have to admit it does took a lot of me not to touch the food tonight. I mean seriously favourite food ku saja bah berhidang aa. Ayam kurma, Parci nanas and daging masak kicap. Sia sia pun!

And of course as the night ends its tapau time kah kah kah.

There you go. I'm updating this post using my phone so please bear with me if nda bertantu usulnya and banyak typo. Anyhoot its almost midnight tonight so i'm ending this post with alhamdulillah for all the happenings in January. Mudahan February will be an even better month for all of us. Take care!


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