Thursday, January 31, 2019

Friday 18/01/2019

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

And it's Friday which means its my last day of Emergency Leave. Car Less as well. Bosan eh.

Barutah bah ni during ku cuti ani aku turun for a morning jog sama my Wife. Cuaaaaaaaaaaaaaa mana nda naik badan.

Since it's a Friday. Apalagi mengambil kesempatan tah ku sembahyang Jumaat di sini. Alhamdulillah it's been many many months since i had the chance to have my Friday prayer here.

And of course one thing that never change was that my dad always the one yg drive kalau kami sembahyang Jumaat hehehe.

Nasi lemak sambal pusu campur talur goreng and ayam goreng for lunch can never go wrong eh.

Time to balik bandar. Hehehe kana antar kami eh laki bini balik ke Sg Tampoi.

Hai sayang hahahahaha. 

Dropped my Wife di rumah then aku sambung jalan sama my Family ke Pasar Malam Gadong. Found this and bought myself some of this delicious duku. Craving satisfied.


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