Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Wednesday 01/04/2020

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Okay let's resume the normal service.

It really is a mad rush trying to finish all the posts. And what made it even worse was that i leave it late bah. Totally underestimating the volume of stuff that i need to upload. At the end of the day managed to squeeze in all but one post. Takpelah i said to myself at least ada post to start April with hehehe.

Working back in the office today. So macam biasalah singgah dulu ke kedai then bilanya udah di office taus had breakfast. Sunyi yo ofis but life needs to goes on. Works need to continue so err' goes.

Kamu mau tau aku ani kan minding my own business bah. You know eating my breakfast then drinking my coffee. Sekali kan i peeped outside then i saw one person trying to park his car. Cua kamu liat tu di mana ya park aa. My goodness the multi story parking area was hardly filled but somehow ada jua insan insan privilege yang mau parking cemani. Then suddenly some guy tersagir keretanya taus tah ya cam si banar report to DARe. No proper signage lah apa tapinya who was the dumb fuck who parked their car in a non parking area?

Mencuba membuat dalgona milo. And of course as expected udah awal awal fail berabis!

Sekali membuat tah ku saja Dalgona Coffee since ani yang paling mudah. Nganya yang calinya org dalam gambar ani is not a coffee drinker. Masih jua bah ya mau kan merasa nah cuaaa berkirik lapas minum hahahahaha. 

Our guardian angel for today has arrived with her munchies. Mudahan makin bertambah rezeki mu En. Amin Ya Rabb.

ISM's Team One during lunch time enjoying our lunch. Awu andang meriah kalau Team One yang conquer office haha.

Just in case kamu kan bertanya dari mana c En membali this lunch pack. Tu nah udah ku share gambarnya. And guys this pack is awecome. Ayam masak merah, sayur kacang and udang masak lemak. Since aku ani pemalas so i just shared the udang with my colleagues. Malas ku bah kan mengupas aa luan hassle.

In the afternoon we have a quick skype meeting with my Manager and colleague. Batah nyamo nda berjumpa durg ani kecarian jua eh.

People do asked me how come i managed to buat Dalgona Coffee di office. Plus they're kind wondered if we have a whisked in the office. I laughed then i told them i just use a bottle and just continue to shake the coffee furiously!

Til my next post. Stay safe everyone!


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