Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Thursday 09/04/2020

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ


Husband duties today guys. Menghantar my Wife to work then i thought i might just do a bit of an errand stuff. Membali barang dapur both untuk rumah and pantry.

A fave spot untuk ke ATM. Sunyi banar airport ah i mean even the Policeman pun not bothered to usher me away from parking in this area.

Done with my errand then time to go home. My Wife balik ikut Kakanya so i might just relax a bit. Plus i managed to do all this and then went back home at 2.30 pm ahahaha not bad innit.

Really liking the idea of this shop. They prepared a wash basin and hand soap. So all their customer can wash their hands right after doing their shopping. Heck they even hang plastic sheets in front of the cashier to cover the cashier. You know just in case somebody went all gung-ho with their sneezing or coughing.

No further explanation needed.

I Was doing a bit of errand folding our laundry since my Wife has been nagging all day long. So i took one of her tudung and wore it while folding. She snapped then pasang sumit. Kwanghajaaaa banaaaaa. Ingat kamu the meme about a lady makai tudung and face mask.  And then bawah nya bila ya buka the mask tumbuh sumit pasal batah pakai mask. Well that's me.

Til my next post. Stay safe everyone!


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