Saturday, April 25, 2020

Tuesday 14/04/2020

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ


Solo ride to the office today salnya biniku keraja pagi saja. Hence why kedia makai kereta adinya.

Wow it's a bit slow for the pantry bit today. After yesterday food extravaganza. I just had my cup or shall i say my tall cup of coffee with Coffee Bean's cheesecake.

Then some beautiful soul walked in with foods and owh wow this was delicious. 

It's been awhile since i had one. And if i'm not mistaken this would be my 1st indomie consumption for this year. For a guy with my size to say that is quite unbelievable, i must say. The truth is that i love this thing. Too bad too much consumption of this will lead to a frequent heartburn episodes of which i don't enjoy. Hence why i always limit myself from having it

Balik keraja and my Wife asked me mau makan apa. I told her today saya mau makan nasi katok Tailan. So apalagi singgah tah di Sengkurong. Today for dinner aku pilih sambal tom yam. Not bad banar eh ada rasa tom yam nya. Nganya for personal preferrence masih ku suka sambal tomato but this sambal tom yam is a very close second!

I saw this online sekali apa kah netizen buat ni kang. Took me time to think. And to be honest nda ku paham. So when i dig around panyaaaaaaaaaa..........

Kwang hajaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa femes jua banar aaaaa hahahahahaha cali cali terpakai ku.

Til my next post. Stay safe everyone!


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