Wednesday, April 01, 2020

Tuesday 31/03/2020

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Nah nda ku sampat close down March as planned hahahaha. Nda apalah ku jadikan saja ani as the first post for April. 

Finally we're in April guys. And my goodness March felt like forever. And it also mean my birthday is just a few days away. Gonna be a big one ni this year as i will be closing a decade of story and opening a new chapter. Chapter 40 of my life. Well let's just wait for it to arrive lah aa. No point in rushing it for now haha.

Awal dah my Wife plan kan minta singgah arah gerai di Selayun. So i told kalau ada gerai yang berjual teh panas balikan ku k.

Kejarangan ni guys aku ampit parking sana ah. Mun namanya normal time pebaik sampai office at 7.30 am kompom nda ampit hehehehe.

Contemplating kan makan apa for lunch. My Wife did balikan nasi bungkus dari gerai Selayun but it's a small pack nada membari bari tu eh.

So my colleague plan to order from MyTown untuk lunch durg. Since my Wife nda prepared apa apa so i just bought food for her.

Someone was deep in thought while thinking of what to order hahahahahaha Ka Siti Ka Siti.

Wife's food is here so it's time to send it to her office while aku masih contemplating on what to eat. Ayam penyet or kuey teow goreng from Hameediyah. Hmmmmmmmmmmm.

So last last aku ani craving kan magi kari campur talur dari di mlm udah yang banarnya. So stopped by at the kedai runcit while on my way back to the office then taus made this beauty. Shared it arah group chat and......

And taus kedia masuk dapur and joined me for lunch. Gotta say his version looks way better!

While aku atu meliat liat barang dalam esbok nampak ku ada susu. Then i just gulped my water bottle and start making Dalgona Coffee. Kali my colleague nampak taus kedia tais liur. Nyangku agatah cari galas sekali nahhhhhhhh menjadi eh pakai botol saja ku shake aaa. 

Winding down sekajap after lunch and having my hot water infused with saffron. Fancy innit nganya terlajak aku memasukkan atu hence kuat taus warnanya and terasa a bit masin-ish.

Wow a company sent a few samples of mask to our office. Same producer yang produce mask ku ah. And today ive got the grey camo wooohooo!

Kan balik atu terkanang tah ku kan nasi bungkus ani. So apalagi cekik laaa baik jua nda banyak portion nya.

Pit stop dulu di sini before balik ke rumah. Bali sedikit sebanyak supply for dinner apa.

My dinner guys. Malas tah ku makan nasi tonight. Jantah luan fancy fancy heheheh although yang kami makan ani kira a bit fancy jua lah pasalnya ber cheese cheese.

When one of your HOD inbox arah IG bertanya apa yang ku campur tu. For sure kedia tais liur kan magi malam ani hahahahah not my fault nyahahahaha.

Wanted to finish or close March posts before the date turned 1st April. Nganya i started late tadi jua hence i only managed to update singgan 30th March saja. Not too bad though banyak jua yang ku update atu hehehe.

Last upload for 31st March post. Its pushing 1 am right now. Baik jua ada lappie ani so kira uptodate jua lah blog ku today keh keh keh.

Alright guys next post would be about April but nda tah ku tahu tu bila ku update. Biar ca dulu kali aaa let April passes us by for a few days then baru update. Amacam? See you guys and please stay safe!


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