Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Saturday 04/04/2020

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Birthday ku Yo!

Yatah muka org umur 40 tahun ni? Lapas menghantar my Wife to work taus tah ku singgah di HPC Park next to her office.

I have two choices actually. Either to hit 4 Km base on today's date. Secondly, to hit 40 mins walking which alhamdulillah i managed to achieve. Biasa 40 mins sempena umur ku bah eh.

Errand pagi atu selepas ku ber riadah. Biasalah went to K.K Koya menapau breakkie untuk org umah among other things. How i wish today aku dapat makan di dalam kadai. Sadly though it's the world we lived in right now. Just gotta make do with what any limitations that was given to us by the government.

Picked my Wife from work sekali singgah tah ku di TSQ. She's been craving for pizza so stopped by for some. Alhamdulillah her craving has been fixed and now i have become Super Hubby hahaha.

Also received this photo from them. Greeting me birthday. The girl biasalah sweet sweet yang sorg atu. Lahanat sikit greeting nya ahahahahaha but nonetheless i am forever grateful to have them in my life.

Since it's the weekend. Time to head on back to KB. Lapang bah jeraya aaaaa. 

Sampai sampai saja kami di rumah taus keciuman mcm bau salaian. At first i thought ada satay. Sekali bila buka pintu i asked my Sister Alai, she said salai kambing lah. Waheiiii ada mini celebration lah.

A lot of damages has been done tonight. But aku being very careful than usual. Picking the meat and definitely skipping the burnt fat bit. Thank god!

Ladies and gentleman this was my 3rd cake. Best nyerrr hahahahahahahahahahaha.

Alhamdulillah guys, as i mentioned in my Instagram post. I am forever grateful for all the people who took their time in sending me greetings, doas and well wishes. I sent a prayer to Allah subhanallah taala that all of us will be given the best of everything here in dunia, alam barzakh and hereafter.

May all continue to shower us with his rahmat. Giving us nothing but love and rezeki. Good health as well as cleansing our heart so that we can be an even better person in this life. Amin Ya Rabb.

Seriously guys, what's the fuss is all about hahahahaha. 

Til my next post. Stay safe everyone!


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