Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Friday 10/04/2020

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Friday and it's the last day of WFH.

Honestly not much to share jua bah nothing interesting for today apart from aku terkanang yang aku ada kopi munif dalam fridge. Owh that really made my day.

Sorry syg duit alum cukup untuk membali ur favorite bed. Nda ku mau bah kan loan di At-Tamwil atu. In Shaa Allah one day soon enough i save enough money and get a proper bed. Yang sturdy yang kompom nda melagur bilanya kanak2 berlompat. Yatah jua part of why kenapa kami reluctant membali katil. When the kids enter our room, especially Kaka she loved to jump around. Iatah mun udah nganya tilam ani biniku beruri apalagi udah berkatil. And now we have a small one yang baru berumur 3 bulan. For sure when she is old enough to walk and run. Owh she will follow her sister footsteps.

We were hungry so both of us went out to buy food. Wanted to eat burger but we didn't want to but Ahad's Burger. So we went to another burger joint along Jalan Mulaut. Kinda underestimate their giant burger. Damn this thing were huge. Well still got beaten by us though. Kinda regretting it afterwards hahahahaha.

Til my next post. Stay safe everyone!


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