Saturday, June 30, 2018

Wednesday 20/06/2018

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ


First day back to office after the long Hari Raya holidays. My wife bergaya today seperti kelazimannya hehehehe. While aku kana tanya whether aku kan makai cara melayu keraja or not. Honestly i couldn't be bothered to wear one since bukannya aku kaja govt lagi plus last year experience pun nda jua makai bilang org so why go through the hassle. Honestly siuk plang tu ah but nganya mun aku sorg saja boring tu.

When all the normal formalizing was done. You know the Hari Raya handshakes and half hugs taus tah ku lari ke meja ku. Ku ambil cup ku ani. Nangis nangis ku ke pantry menuang kopi. Rindu ku kan kedia. Even time minum kopi ani pun ku tertangis tangis. Caya kamu tu?

Biasalah mood raya masih alum kan buat keraja. I spent most of my day atu updating my blog. Organized dulu semua the gambar and my god banyak jua kan di upload ani. 

The unofficial first day back to work lunch out Last year Aku, Si Wak and Si Kams. Nganya since tahun ani kedia suuuuuuuuumbuuuung kira kami dua saja then last mins Bu Dedeh join. So yay! back to threesome.

And of course Teh C di lupa jangan!

And when you have a 4pm meeting invitation. Pfffffft membari malas. Konon kan a short one saja sekali menyampai jua pukul 5 eh!

Fetched my wife from work. Drive around looking for a place to have dinner. Went all the way to Sg Kebun. The restaurant currently under going a renovation so currently it is closed for business. Last last rasa impian tah saja. Wifey had murtabak for dinner and aku mee goreng.

Brought our dirty laundry to work. Well nda payah berlurus aaa. Aku simpan dalam bonet kereta bah. Done with early dinner we went to Jerudong to My Dobi for our laundry errand. Ada plg a few places for laundry di kawasan berdekatan. Nganya ani yang kana recommend. Meaning kalau kan bersanang and bersantai bisai di sini. Di Tanjung Bunut and Sengkurong kinda hectic.


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