Friday, June 22, 2018

5hb Syawal 1439H

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Time untuk balik ke bandar since its the last day of cuti raya. Esok dh masuk office dah. Angan angan kan bangun awal kan jog lah kunun apa. Kunun mu! Akhir bangun. Lalah bah. Kemarin saja teranah nda berjalan jalan. Today pun sambung lagi berjalan berhari raya with my in laws.

Been seeing the road a lot these few days. I wonder how much is my mileage count this one week alone. Semangat udah ku today sampai nyuci kereta ku apa. Barutah aku kan tercuci. Hari lain bah nahada masaku. Baru jua bersih around lumut hujan tia. Takpelah malas nak ngusut. Hujan pun rezeki. Hari hari udah panas.

Notice kamu window shade atu? Hehehe sanggup bah aku singgah Soon Lee Pandan and bought a few since the weather was super duper hot. Sanggup bah aaa. Its well worth it. Picked up my In Laws di Sg Tampoi and off we go.

First house di Sg Tampoi jua arah Nini Babu. Muka kakak marung menyamal pasal Uncle Wawa kipak baby. Jealous lah hahahaha adui.

Owh keropok kau nyaman! 

Then we went to Lumapas arah umah adi my MIL. Actually awal atu kami arah umah Nini Minah. Food was good. Not bothered taking photos sal aku lapar. Back to Lumapas ani. Minum soya bean and aing putih saja ku. Kan makan nda ku mau. Ku cuba banar banar nda mau over indulge myself.

Two people yg andang payah kan bergambar bisai and this was what you get lah hahahahaha.

Our last house of the day well not really lapas ani kami berdua . Asal nampak candy at every house kompom makan. So i told her boleh makan candy tapi mesti minum water. Banar eh cua liat tu usulnya ah hahahaha.

Pinsyes Bacai sama Pinsyes Buntal berjalan bersama. Ish! lawa seliparnya atu. Ish!

Last house of the day. Berhari raya ke rumah best friend my wife di Kg Tagap. That was her baby. Bunal! Really mendulur biniku tonight. Ku dulur durg bercerita to the point sampai my wife mengaga. Okay let's go home hehe.


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