Wednesday, June 06, 2018

Saturday 02/06/2018

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Salam Nuzul Al Quran dear beloved reader.

Didn't do much jua just mostly being idled saja. And then by midday baru ku terkanang aku alum bayar fitrah. So around 2 pm atu i told my wife that i need to go to the mosque to bayar our fitrah and then taus tah iktikaf sekajap sambil menunggu Asar prayer. Alhamdulillah managed to do both. Lain and sangat nyaman rasanya mo mengaji di masjid ani especially when the place is almost empty. It's really was peaceful.

Just a few mins before Asar prayer makin tia ramai jemaah yang datang. Hehehe really enjoyed mendgr durg bercerita. Lain bah aaa KB accent ani. Lajunya durg bercakap. Sebutannya atu. I'm in KB alright!

Went for a short run before sungkai around KB town and i can confirm that my timing ada improvement. Managed to cut down 40 secs from my last timing. Nda plang banyak but its still a big deal for me hehe.

Sungkai! Cua liat tu my drinks aa berapa galas tu hahahahah kaing leher lapas balusir.

I love this. Aing limau kasturi yang kana blend by my sis. Smooth in smooth out leh nya kui kui kui.

Santai saja kami that night. Astro nada so movie marathon tah saja.


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