Monday, July 08, 2013

Chest Session 04/07/2013

Machine Assisted Dips

Chest Cable Cross

For My Warm Up Session I Super Set These Two Exercises.. 3 Sets Altogether With 8 Reps For The Dips And 12 Reps For The Cable Cross


 Incline Dumbbells Bench Press 4 Sets : 12 Kg - 12 Reps x2, 15 Kg - 12 Reps (Super Sets With An Incline Flyes After Each Sets)
Incline Dumbbells Flyes 4 Sets : 8 Kg - 12 Reps x2, 11 Kg - 12 Reps x2
 Dumbbells Bench Press 4 Sets : 15 Kg - 12 Reps x2,  18 Kg - 12 Reps x2 (Super Sets With Flyes After Each Sets)
Dumbbells Flyes 4 Sets : 11 Kg - 12 Reps x2, 12 Kg - 12 Reps x2
Low Pulley Cable Chest Fly 4 Sets : 20 Lbs - 15 Reps x2, 30 Lbs - 15 Reps x2.

TRue To THe BOne!

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