Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Sunday 29/03/2020

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Nda kami balik KB this weekend gais solely because my Family minta dangani round konvoi ke Temburong. Kan merasa durang berjalan lalu Jambatan baru.

Atu semangat my dad atu. Awal ya menghayati pemandangan sambil menunggu kami sampai hahahahah biasalah standard. Org jauh dulu bah awal sampai.

And the journey to Temburong begins with my dad eski balik balik mengambar pemandangan hehehe.

While my mom was just being her perfect self hehehehehehe nada harapan.

After a short stroll around Pekan Bangar taus tah kami drive all the way to Batang Duri park. Too bad the place is close for public and so.....

Plan kan lepak and have a picnic terpaksa di lakukan dalam kereta tah saja. Mom prepared the food and even individually packed for each of us. Her nasi lemak was the bomb nyummm.

And we parted ways soon after we reached BSB. Told my dad this was my favorite view of the bridge. 

Bloody hell guys esok dah nak masuk opis i really need to trim those branches hahahaha.

Over 3 weeks nda exercise and kemarin was the only time in March aku buat exercise. Huffing and puffing and so bloody out of shape. Thanks dear Wife for pushing me.


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