Saturday, March 07, 2020

Friday 14/02/2020

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

And then here comes Friday.

Left home early today and sengaja ku gtau my Wife aku kan breakfast di luar. Why? I just don't want kedia sibuk sibuk kan prepare my breakfast pastu sibuk jua mendgni my MIL menyiapkan tempahan pie. Biartah kedia concentrate on that saja. 

Not much to share jua about today. Well sekali kan masa ku ke pantry and check our munchies supply. I was like Subhanallah atu capat kurang. Need to refill this quick hahahaha.

Balik sembahyang Jumaat taus tah aku quick stop di Happy Dean for a spot of lunch. Lapar bui dua set ayam ku order. Kali nda batah atu ada colleague ku join. Awkward ku plang kedapatan meng order banyak hahaha.

Sampai opis then lepak ku di bilik KHub. Curhat session with Bro 0ne! Adalah pasal rumours tentang perubahan lah apa nganya both of us agreed that no point in stressing out. Because at the end of the day you still have your job bah.

Before balik umah stopped by dulu di Hua Ho Bebatik Kilanas. Biasalah that once a week shopping stuff.


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