Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Monday 24/02/2020

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

And my post about February still continues guys hehehe.

Woke up early and went out the house for a short walk session with the Wifey. Siuk nyamo macam hari Ahad bah sunyi nya ah padahal its a Monday.

Not bad for a santai outing. Still tired from yesterday outing but my Wife wasn't really happy pasal kedia was rooting for 3km haha.

Been awhile since kami sekeluarga makan di sini. Nda plang sedap berabis but i just miss those crispy chicken.  Sad plang ya punya presentation hahaha.

3 days long weekend holiday just come and goes like that. Sekajap ja rasanya padahal cuti tu on a Monday hehehe. Otw balik ke Bandar bila kami lintasi Lumut atu basar  api d BLNG aaa. Membari ijap jua nyamo. Yatah i told my Wife during those school holidays kalau aku tidur di Lumut. And then at one night karan tutup sekali api basar. Boleh bah aku sama my cousins main bola since the area arah laman atu well lighted hehehe.


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