Friday, March 27, 2020

Friday 13/03/2020

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Friday and the last day of training.

Sambungan dari yesterday. If you guys was wondering what am i talking about. Kemarin kan ada satu session where we were told to stand in a straight line also the person in the front has to be the one yg lahir di awal tahun then menjajar ke hujung tahun. The catch was we were told to communicate using body language. Speaking are not allowed. So what i did was showing everyone 4 finger on my left hand and 4 finger on my right hand. But everyone thought i was telling them that i was born in the month of August.

When we were finally able to shout out our birth date. To my dismay i was put in the wrong sequence and i was called Nila. Sekali masa kami kana suruh picked up a number. I picked up my own number. What the bloody hell was going on hahahaha.

Owh dijadikan cerita awal bah aku sama Dk Heirna planning for this. To surprise Pg Nuzul on Thursday since his birthday was on Sunday. Anyhoot Friday pagi bah baru ku terkanang and when i messaged her kediapun terlupa jua nah ngam tah tu. So after solat Jumaat menyampati tah durg bali kek and voila surprise kan taus kedia and well his fake reaction say it all.

One of our exercise in the afternoon. Kami kana divide into two teams. The exercise was that kami kana instruct oleh client to build one tower. And my god! because of our competitiveness we failed miserably, Kana marahi lah kami oleh instructor toingzzzzzzzz...

Talking about going the extra mile eh. Team 3 with the meal service hahahahaha. Ada live performance yo! How on earth are you going to top that one.

Last group photo before ending the training. Baru ya duduk dapan sekali bah mcm Tetamu Kehormat haa haa haa.

Would like to thank Azmina for making me this. Apparently i'm rare keh keh keh keh. Anyhoot remember when we were told to make bracelet, key chain or whatever we fancy from the item we provided. Well during our curhat session sharing with the group of all the things that we learned. What sort of things from the training we're gonna bring into the organization. Each and one of us took turn to describe the person whose we're gonna give this bracelet to. I have to say its a sebak moment and safe to say whatever i said let it be kept between the 22 of us hehehe sorry guys.

Wife texted me sharing this photo. Dinner is ready for me hehehehehe nyummm thanks syg.

Setahun menunggu and damn i was disappointed because luan sikit episodenya. Scary as fuck though. Can't wait for season 3.


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