Tuesday, June 04, 2019

Friday 31/05/2019

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Twenty Fifth day of Ramadhan 1440H.

Post Qiamulail and then barutah ku terkanang yang kediaku terdapat Redoxon. Cuaaaaaa udah ujung barutah gagau kan minum ahahahaha.

We have a ziarah kubur function today in Jerudong. But first someone needs beautification help. Udah kan digambar malu hahahaha basar udah Kaka ani pandai malu malu udah.

Pies waiting for collection. Amazing they can finish all the order just in time before ziarah.

One usie for the road. 

Ramai yang hadir today. Alhamdulillah and apparently the rest of the family ke kubur Bunut dulu. Kami just rendezvous saja di Jerudong. Suam berabis weather atu.

From kubur aku and my Wife parted ways. Kedia berjalan sama my MIL and SIL then aku balik ke rumah. Freshen up then off to sungkai gathering in Tutong town.

We had our sungkai at I Luv Bistro Cafe. Boleh laa the food berasa but the spread a bit limited. For me lah ahh when you're $15 the food spread should be a bit more.

It started to rain heavily plus ribut so kami pindah ke dalam. Biasalah aaa udah namanya batah nda berjumpa atu memang tah ada saja kan diceritakan.

Sudah makin siuk cerita mengorder tah kami cucur pisang and aku since batah udah nda minum proper kopi susu. Apalagi mengorder tah ku 2 round haa haa haa.

Last round of photo photo before parting ways. Salam salam and greeting each other and also bermaaf-maafan. Nda tah kira berujan-ujan aaa.

Heavy downpour when i'm on my way back home and taus cancel segala errand ku tonight.


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