Friday, June 21, 2019

1 Syawal 1440H Part 2

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

A continuation to part 1 of my first day of raya.

Andang jua kelaziman udah bah ah. During first day of raya ani sebelum the big makan start. Everyone will sit together and start the day with tahlil and doa tahlil recitation. So today tugas jadi ustat fell on me.

Sharing with you guys the happening of that morning. Nda ramai this year during the first day of raya since keluarga Sg Bakong, Lumut nda turun berkumpul di Lambak. Mun nda panuh hantap tu umah.

Duit raya timeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Hahahahaha andang jadi kebiasaan semua ampit kana bagi pebaik yang basar ke yang damit. Namanya jua usin waris mulah my grandma. So hopefully dengan masih kana gunakan sebagai sedakah. Pahala dan segala kebaikkan pun akan sampai arah durg dua. Plus iatah nganya ni duit raya yang aku kompom dapat tiap tahun kah kah kah.

The third generations of Pg Haji Matali Bin Pg Anak Ahmad and Pg Hjh Halus Bte Pg Hj Abd Wahab lineage. Just a few of many. Hopefully one day my Wife and i can add on to this list. In Shaa Allah.

And as usual more makan makan time. Like i said i managed to pace myself. Had some karipap and keropok udang and lots and lots of nescafe keh keh keh.

Alright its part 3 next.


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