Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Friday 21/06/2019

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Ahhh it's the final day of the working week.

Santai banar ku bah hahahaha and cua liat tu time aku mula berjalan dari umah aaa. Jangan gagas bui.

Since i eat mcm-mcm during the raya celebration. Nda tah ku langsung makan malam. Bagi chance aku punya belly to process the food. So to no surprise i had two bungkus of nasi lemak klasik that morning. Kira ani cover untuk lunch taus. Nda jua ku mau makan banyak since later on ada free meal jua at 3 pm.

So at 3 we were all summoned to the roof top for free meals. This was courtesy of all the non muslim staff. Selalunya time raya durg will pull $$$ for raya goodies. This year nada goodies but they change it to a high tea treat.

The food spread was great no kidding. We had Pizza from Margherita. And then Cucur udangnya lagi seekong-seekong. Cucur pisang, Lekor kebab ayam, kebab daging, roti john and many more.

I don't really care being called si Awang Salat here. Why? Lemme explain. Remember all the food photos yang aku upload di atas. Well the only food yang aku ambil was tuu nah pizza sepotong and gambar food yang aku ampaikan arah verandah aa. The rest aku tau vacuum saja from this girls. I don't have to join any queue. So i had a lil bit of everything and that was satisfying hahaha. Pandai kan aku atu.

First there were two.

Then it became three.

And four plus a hand menyalat haha.


Awal atu 3 org saja ku gambar kali kesian ku kan c Huda nampak sedikit aaa. 

Nah jadi empat tia. Nganya malas lah ku sorg atu kan spoil gambar tia nganya kerajanya.

So i decided to join the queue for mee goreng. Then i thought ahh its too long. Screw this.

You know the queue was so long and tukang masaknya nda beranti memasak sampai fire alarm bah berbunyi. Cuaaa hebat bukan hahahahaha.

So i decided to be clever again and sit down tampat ku duduk tadi and just play the waiting game. Nda rugi ni banar.

Nah seeeeeeeeee told ya! Nda rugi bah bersabar and bertenang ani. Rezeki tetap akan sampai walaupun ya sedikit lambat hahahahahaha.

Mendulur kanak kanak riang dua org ani before calling it a day. Friday baby lets enjoy. Let's go out! Let's party. Well by saying lets go out atu actually nda keluar bilik berparam. Let's party atu basically limpang2 atas tilam main game. What a life!

P/s not my fault video atu senget :p


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