Tuesday, June 04, 2019

Sunday 26/05/2019

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Twentieth day of Ramadhan 1440H.

Bought this in Miri and i'm giving it a try hopefully this will help boost my immune system. And help control my cholesterol level.

Bought a foot long of Subway's Roasted Chicken Sandwich. Eaten half of it earlier while saving the other half for sahur.

Hebat sahur kami ani hahahahahaha. Kes malas memasak. Durg bali ayam KFC. Panasi saja before sahur. Owh had a bit of that sambal penyet from Restoran Ayam Penyet Ria. Bad idea berabis. Gave me dugal when i woke up that morning. Baik jua nda kuat and mampu ku tahan.

Left early for Bandar tonight. Wanted to arrived awal since malam ani is the 21st night of Ramadhan. Need to kejar malam Lailatul Qadar later on. 

Uses my Hotlink Line for a few days. Ku suruh my cuz in KL and another one who went to Miri on Monday membalikan load. RM10 for 1GB usage per day on roaming. Less than $3 a day bah tu. And then on a 4G connection lagi. Siuk bah!


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