Friday, June 21, 2019

1 Syawal 1440H Part 4

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Part 4 atau part yang penghabisan.

Heading back to Lumut. A few houses to go before we can end our 1st day of raya.

Catching the 1st of Syawal sunset. Been a long and tiring day. I just can't wait to lie down hehehe.

When we arrived at my Tua's. This young girl was running around with that toy gun and shooting everyone in the belly hahahaha.

Star of the evening. Lil Miss Cha Cha hahahaha. Pemilih ni nyenta and during her moody times nda ya mau kan org hahahaha. Somehow malam ani mau ya kan everyone.

But still arah Uncle Di nya kedia cani hahahaha first time ni ku berjumpa yatah everyone saying to me mudahan kau lakas beranak. Hahahahahah worth the spot of saliva on my shoulder.

Time to check out my Tua's new extension to their place. The sun room. Owh btw bukan aku punya ajaran tu pose atu. That's everything has my wife's name on it.

Teeheehee see the different or as Azwan Ali said see my level. Actually i should have remove the chair closer to me for a better photo.

More photo photo. Yatah aa a proper digi camera with stand would be great to take a couple shot with my Wife.

Too tired and not bothered with putting on my shoes anymore. Bare feet all the way. Well i had my sandal readied di dalam kereta so i'm well look after hahaha.

Next house aka last house. Rumah the older sister of my Tua laki. Also di lumut. Durg kan makan soto and i was like naahhhhhh kali round ku dapur ada sedikit satay tinggal. Hell yeah!

And of course daging masak hitam di lupa jangan. Been having lot of this today. Ouch!

Kambang tu ahh Alai Jazia atu. Melayan jua kedia aku nyuruh balik balik aaa.

The girl twirl around showing off her baju raya before kedia balik ke bandar.

Mua kambang lapas nya bersalam sama aku and then melambai aku balik. Hahahahahahahahaha kiyot!

Home, safe and sound owh and tumbang as well hahahaha.


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