Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Monday 22/04/2019

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

And its Monday. Honestly nda kami keraja today. Wife not feeling great and to be honest i had a hard time trying to share this post here but somehow i need to let it out walaupun inda to a full extent.

But first when i had a quick breakfast that morning i saw ada left over kuih lapis aa and i go wooohooo! My fave!

My Wife not being well since Saturday night. And kalau kamu pernah ke rumah ani then you will know this the entrance for Darussyifa. Yes my poor Wife been fighting her gangguan for quite a long time sudah. Way before kami bertunang aku udah tahu kedia ani sakit kerana gangguan.

Last Saturday masa kami menyambut malam nisfu Syaaban dengan bersembahyang jemaah and membaca surah Yassin 3x. Taus tah ku suruh my Wife mohon pada Allah Taala agar segera dipulihkan dari gangguan ani. And Ya Allah if only i can share in pictures or videos of the way she struggled berabis kan menghabiskan her recitation. And the headache and the vomiting. Balik2 ku ngurut badannya and last last on Sunday bersuara tia esok minta bawa ke Darussyifa. 

So yeah this is why kekadang aku sedih when people asked alum kamu beranak and such. As if making an assumption yang kami ani mandul lah apa. If only saja aku dpt ckp dpn2 durg but NO! Because i know org org cani ani. After you give one reason then they will continue to find a reason to criticize as if macam diri ani nda peduli lah apa urghhhh.

It was Midday bila kami udah selasai berubat. Sekali i told my Wife jangantah memasak membali saja nasi putih di kadai and i go cook you some nasi goreng. Alhamdulillah she improved a lot. Nganya masa berubat atu kesian berabis ku meliat usulnya. Originally aku atu ngambil cuti setengah hari saja. Nganya meliat ku usulnya lamah atu bah better off ambil one full day saja to attend her and rest.

Story of our life....


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