Saturday, March 11, 2023

A January Recap - First Week part 1.

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Monday, 27th February 2023.

Since ada mood kan blogging ani baik tah dirajinkan taus. I probably gonna do a weekly recap lah. Bukannya mcm dulu atu bah luan luan laporan harian bah. And the plus side jua I can sort the photos easily and can easily pick which one I can share here kan kan kan. Bijak kan.

New Year's Day Off.

Nda kami balik KB biasalah namanya nda lagi berbilik yth berpikirku jua bila raya kang mcm nada chance kan tidur di umah indung sal nada bilik. Ah well if only aku dpt luahkan sikit my frustration sini but biar ca some things are better left unsaid.

Yep keakhiran sekali ani membali barang pantry pasalnya banyak yang  bercuti hence collection pun selow kan dikutip but nda jua ku tertunggu the usual crowd balik. So taus tah ku membalikan with the collection yang andang ku received plus aku tambah tambah sikit la. No hal punya. Beramal sikit nda rugi.

Before balik KB menyampati melawat kubur my FIL. Yes gais, my FIL sadly passed on the 27th of November 2022 after a long 4 years battling lung cancer.

Stopping by Tutong at our fave mee goreng restaurant. Sorry, dear Wifey for uploading this photo. Im sure you enjoyed your kuey teow. It's been a while since I brought you here.

The ride to KB was pleasant and when we were driving through Mumong the cloud formation was too beautiful that I need to take a photo of it.

Wifey bought brownies for my mom and I ended up murdering a few hahaha it was so good.

Before heading to Bandar, I told my wife let's lepak di CB Panaga. Malas kan balik awal jua, ever since my FIL passed away and the munchies udah pindah. Sunyi bebenor umah Sg Tampoi aaa.

On to part 2.


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