Saturday, March 30, 2019

Wednesday 20/03/2019

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Skipping towards Wednesday salnya on Tuesday i had to take csds. Feeling all sickish that i told my Wife i won't be going to work today. Texted my office and informed them about this and spent most of my day ZZZZzzzzz. Alhamdulillah when i woke up today i felt a bit better. Masih plang batuk but nda extreme. Owh thank god about that.

Leaving a bit early pasalnya i am well rested. Then Wifey tanya nda lapar kah? I said jom! And here we were having breakfast.

Indomie lunch di opis is always nyaman walaupun masak makai microwave oven.

A friend wanted coins and i told him i have a dollars worth. And yes both my Wife and i did some counting and we managed to collect a few coins. 50 dollars worth of 50 and 20 cents. Siapa membagi $100 kan. And ani pun bukannya abis ku kira just enough to do the exchanged. Another $100 to my car insurance kitty is not a bad thing at all. Mahal nyenya insurance kereta ku. Udah ku tanya awal because i wanted to know how much i needed to pay since aku claimed insurance ari atu. To renew my car insurance and road tax will cost me about $650.00. Errkk!


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