Thursday, March 14, 2019

KK Trip Day 2 Part 1

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Sunday 03/03/2019. Cam si banar bah. Why? Aku share sama kamu aa ni ceritanya.

Woke up awal that Sunday morning feeling all guilty pasal di malam makan banyak keh keh keh. So taus tah ku freshen up. Tukar baju and then turun ke car park pakai kasut. Stretch a bit then start berjalan. Jalan saja broh!

Its a lovely morning nganya biasalah udahnya tinggal di kawasan berdekatan Pasar Pilipin bau ikan tia memanjang hahahaha.

I do have to say its quite enjoying jua walking about downtown KK. Plus aku atu kinda meriki2 kawasan manatau ada restoren yang nyaman mun tah dtg liur kan makan mee goreng kah apa. Ada plang ku kejumpaan nganya since di hotel ada free breakfast so for now ku keep in mind saja the place. Just in case kami mencari tampat for a quick meal.

Syukur tah menyampai 2 km. Bad idea though.

Nda ku puas hati pasal berjalan saja. Naik ku ke tingkat 4 where my car was parked then go for a run. Mind you the place was sunyi so its a good place for a good 1km run hehehe.

Time to pick up my Wife.

Dua dua alum mandi but let's eat and try their breakfast spread. Owh i hope its good.

Hello guys. Ramai jua eh org makan that morning.

Typical Wadi's plate. Sausages, Hash Brown Baked Beans and Scrambled Eggs.

Hahaha nada ku malu makai sluar buntak paduli!

This was when we say our goodbyes. My colleagues balik ke Brunei today. As i mentioned durg short trip saja. Pigi Saturday balik Sunday. While kami menahan lah lagi sampai Tuesday. So today the real exploring begin!

The view from the dining area. Owh too bad our room has no window. Actually yatah nganya tu masalahnya plus nada esbok or else i have no complain about our hotel. If only we have that view in our room hehehe. Okay enough complaining let's go straight to part 2.


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