Saturday, June 29, 2024

June Post 7 - November 2023 KK Trip Memories Day 5 (Part 2)

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Saturday, 22 June 2024  - November 2023 Memories (KK Trip)

Day 5, Part 2.

As usual jua nda lagi ada tampat lain kan di aga, Suria Sabah lah mcm alum abis bah sana atu kan di aga hahahaha.

Letting my wife loose at Suria Sabah. Biar tia kedia berjalan sepuas hati. Happy wife happy husband hahahahaha.

Dan bila ya puas shopping. She will find me, join me then leave all of her shopping with me then go shopping again hahaha.

Just the level of my wife's reaction hahahaha. As I previously said, she loves yogurt.

As usual once lapas kami berjalan, we will go back to the hotel to recharge then sambung lagi berjalan waktu malam. Once my family texted yang durg di Imago. Taus tah kami jumpa durg sekajap. Jumpa jumpa taus my mom membisiki yang kedia terpakai kan one handbag. 

So since ada sikit rezeki atu terus lah bawa ya masuk the kadai. Asked her to show me the one that she likes. Asked her banar ani yg babu suka?

Then called the shop lady and bag it hehehehe. Biar tia lari bajet, yang penting indung happy basar rahmat yang ku dapat dari Allah.

I wanted to bring them for dinner but biasalah my sister nda mau mau. Kan makan di Todak so from there we parted way lah. Told them esok tani konvoi balik jantah bersampit.

Then biasalah sambung sekajap because my wife wanted a new perfume. And of course, being the good husband I am duduk tah saja perhatikan ia. Also at the same time saving myself from buying another perfume.

Finally, we make some time to find out what the hype is all about. Tried it and both of us agreed that we had better. Sorry, Zus we just had better.

So like I said earlier, we parted ways with my family, and then we went to Welcome Seafood Restaurant which is situated exactly behind our hotel.

I really recommend this restaurant. We really enjoyed the food here. My wife really enjoyed the food. Aku bukan lah org yg suka seafood but I really enjoyed the soft shell crab. Nganya malam nya bergaru ku ahahahahaha. Didn't realize aku was allergic kan soft shell crab. It was so good that kami tanya pukul berapa durg buka esok pasal kami kan tapau and bawa balik ke Brunei.

Sampai sampai hotel terus minta tolong the bell boy. Need to bring all of our shopping ke bilik. Coming back home esok and we need to properly pack. My parents will ride with me esok so we need to save some space for them.

The final day of the trip will be in the next post guys!


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