Saturday, June 29, 2024

June Post 8 - November 2023 KK Trip Memories Day 6

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Saturday, 22 June 2024  - November 2023 Memories (KK Trip)

Day 6!

And finally, it's time for us to return to Brunei. But first...

Kemarin udah ku round round di sini so today, on our last day in Hilton and Kota Kinabalu, I brought my wife for a quick swim at their swimming pool facility. Yang beranang aku, biniku ya healing healing saja arah poolside chaise. Jaditah! Malar jua ku bertarap lapas beranang hahahahaha. And if I'm being honest, its more of berandam dari beranang hahaha.

Done with swimming, returned to our room and prepared for breakfast. Ani aku kan share sikit lah, sampai hajat ku membali cincin warna hitam as well as galang. Udah umah 44 ani gatal balik kan ber accessorize gitu! Plus jua I'm going to compose this blog in one go. So enjoy the photos shared.

6 hari kami di KK this time around and on 5 days of those, we had breakfast in the hotel. Yes, my wife and I might say kami langu but let's be honest lah. We both sound obnoxious but we really do enjoy the food spread. Banar!

Makan lagi! We lingered in the hotel pasal menunggu my family settle down and start berjalan pasal my parents mau ikut aku. Nganya biasalah durg my sisters ani. Tahu tahu di Kimanis udah durg! Membari marah! 

Til next time KK. You have been good as usual. And now it's time for the long drive back home.

Finally re-united! Atu nyaman tidur bilang org. Bersabarlah Wadi uiiii hahaha.

Definitely miss these views!

Pit stop at Sipitang. And this was actually around 5:30 pm. Macam boleh bah durg bersantai2 meliat and membali buah.

Macam aku duduk duduk dalam kereta bah ku pikir selasai rupanya boleh durg duduk duduk makan. So aku keluar kereta meliat apa saja yg durg bali.

Brunei is about 2 hours away. The thought of the durian smell lingering in my car!

At this point, one of the sellers laughed at me! I mean literally started to laugh when I opened the back trunk. It was already full of items and here both my dad and I trying to solve the puzzle. Life!

Nah bersampit! Berabis lagi membali. Macam tah dakat Sipitang ke Brunei ani ahahahahaha Padan Muka!

Ending my post with this photo. Ironic! Why? Antah tadi udah di otakku apa kan ku tulis then suddenly it goes blank. Maybe I just end it with this.

Alhamdulillah Kuli Hal Ya Allah atas rezekimu. 


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