Saturday, June 29, 2024

June Post 1 - November 2023 KK Trip Memories Day 3 (Part 1)

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Friday, 14 June 2024  - November 2023 Memories (KK Trip)

Day 3.

I first thought today was our last day in KK and esok balik ke Brunei. Sekali my dad informed us via WhatsApp yang durg plan turun ke KK esok and balik on Sunday. Adedeh! So I was deep in thought contemplating whether or not to extend our stay in KK or balik saja esok. First, let's just think about makan la aaaa

Tani mulakan post ani dengan video and gambar org happy makan mee soup awal pagi. Happy banar ya with the taste of the broth. Yes guys, my wife suka plang makan soto but she loves more broth yg clean taste yg nda banyak rasa rampah.

Both of us doing the bokeh shot using camera masing2. Not bad jua lah hasilnya.

Sharing the food that we enjoyed that morning. Alhamdulillah memang nda mendukacitakan kalau having breakfast di sini.

Always love the lobby at Hilton, Kota Kinabalu. Ngam bah warnanya atu.

Bilik kami ani is on the same floor as the swimming pool. Over the last few days, the morning was noisy with families walking past our room to access the swimming pool area. So today, I told my wife let's check out the place and the view.

Owh by the way, we decided to stay for a few more nights to wait for my family to arrive.

And of course, lapas breakfast, naik ke bilik, toilet, and nap sekajap hahahaha. What's the rush?

See u in the next post.


June Post 2 - November 2023 KK Trip Memories Day 3 (Part 2)

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Friday, 14 June 2024  - November 2023 Memories (KK Trip)

Day 3, Part 2.

This morning's plan was to go to Suria Sabah and then jumpa Hj Faiez and his family to have lunch/high tea with Jirul.

We spent a million hours in here. Kemarin udah tu yg banarnya, kami round sini after checking JD Sports. Sekali biasalah my wife, anu jenis liat dulu, round dulu kang mikir. So last last this morning kemaritah hehehe.

Selesai dari Suria Sabah, kami balik ke hotel sekajap to freshen up and hantar barang yang kami bali tadi. Then picked up Hj Faeiz and his family at the Shore then terus ke Richiamo Cafe to meet up with Jirul. Recommended guys, sedap the food here. So if you are in KK, cari saja cafe ani arah kawasan Aeropod.

Dropped off the guys then nya my Wife, she wants to go to Imago. 

Cua eh kana skodeng eh hahahaha. Luckily I'm not a naughty person nyahahahaha.

Part 3 next.


June Post 3 - November 2023 KK Trip Memories Day 3 (Part 3)

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Friday, 14 June 2024  - November 2023 Memories (KK Trip)

Day 3, Part 3.

The last part guys!

As shown in the last post, aku atu duduk duduk di sini menunggu my wife and just browsing. She wanted to check some Clarks shoes for my MIL. Biasak guys barang ani cali bah. Kekadang kau nda tais liur. Kekadang mengajut datangnya.

I also wanted to shared this lah. My friend introduce me this e-sim app called Airalo. So far not bad lah the service although aku membali jua physical sim but atu more about worrying if aku nda tercari biniku and the mobile data network at the place was poor. So kalau ada physical sim dpt pakai normal phone call. In short, recommended lah guys.

Asal kemari memang minta gambar di dapan poster artis Korea kesayangannya ani. 

For dinner we went to try the food at Grill Patio, Imago. Prediction? Cubalah kamu sendiri, my cousin did tell me jangan aga di Imago aga arah different branch. Safe to say this will be my first and the last time aku makan sana lah. 

Tapi kalau kamu kan cuba please by all means do try it. Manatau palate tani nda sama or apa yg ku order ani andang not one of the best food in the menu.

By midnight both of us kelaparan and luckily Boreno's was just behind the hotel and opened for 24 hours. Apalagi membedal laaaa.

And that concluded part 3 guys!


June Post 4 - November 2023 KK Trip Memories Day 4 (Part 1)

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Saturday, 15 June 2024  - November 2023 Memories (KK Trip)

Day 4, Part 1.

Extending our stay at Kota Kinabalu because my family is coming over tomorrow. Atu pun cek dulu bank account. Adakah ia membenarkan atau nda but alhamdulillah memang tah Allah Taala atu mengizinkan kan bersama-sama my family di KK.

As usual breakfast di hotel saja. TBH by the third day ani kami laki bini looking for variation tah pulang hahahaha. And kalau kamu hairan kenapa aku ckp third day. It's the 4th day of our KK trip but the third time having morning breakfast here.

Skipping tau ke lunchtime. And I'm being honest, it's not really lunchtime. I am also trying to remember what we did and where we go between after breakfast and dinner.

These were the foods that we ordered. Ada sayur peria goreng tepung with salted egg. Udang sambal petai. Ikan Kam Heong and Ayam goreng nyonya. Alhamdulillah sedap. This is the first time kami makan sini and we got hooked! So kalau kamu happen to be in KK cubalah makan di Nyonya House Restaurant, di Imago ada, di Suria Sabah pun ada.

We enjoyed our time here and tarus my wife ordered dessert while aku minum teh c panas lah hehehehhe.

On to part 2 guys!
