Thursday, January 28, 2021

Tuesday 29/12/2020

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

You know what guys, as much as I can't wait for my annual leave. At the same time, I don't want December to end. Why? 2020 has been a tough year personally. Dugaan Allah sangat sangat mencabar. Ada yang ku dapat share sama kamu. Ada jua yang langsung ku nda dapat share. It has been a testing year and at times I'm pretty nervous with things to come in the future.

I woke up to the smell of this. And I was thinking mun ada extra best ni. Nganya nda jua ku berani bertanya kan my mother in law hahahaha.

When you really took your time driving to work. Well more like satu, singgah arah umah amit my wife in Selayun mengambil barang. Then aku salah ambil jalan. Aku lupa yang di Bunut ani jeraya berusai and my god! Bloody frustrating.

Another Burger morning from Mc Donald's. Then menyantai bergambar dapan my big ass PC monitor.

Lepak sekajap di iCentre. That guy yang usulnya over ceria ahh punya belated birthday celebration. Keh keh Keh.

Org Brunei kaya. Baru keluar bonus and then nda dapat belayar. So during staycation and shopping di Brunei. Hence, its traffic jam everywhere. We got frustrated so we stopped by for an early dinner. Later on kami nampak taukey tapak kuda melintas. So we called her and joined us for a while.


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