Saturday, August 31, 2019

Wednesday 28/08/2019

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Hari Rabu bah eh. Atu macut ku updating my blog. Rasa kan menyampati before kami moved out and aku berkeraja di Bridex plus long weekend holiday malas tah ku gagau kan update blog ku during that period. Kalau pun ku update makai hp tah saja tu still mun ku rajin jua lah.

When the office is riuh rendah because most of our belonging start kana pindah ke Level 2. Boohoo!

A quick boomerang won't hurt.

Helping out my mate with sorting out the new office pantry cabinet. Kesian kawan ku ani. Stress udah kawan ku ani. Too much pressure and terlalu banyak project kan dipikirkan bah at one time.

Need i say more.

A lil preview of our new office space.

Bakal saja aku atu kan menjaga booth di Bridex. Awu mun nya nda alum ku kan bagunting dulu. Biar org sasak meliat usul rambut ku yang nda terurus ani.

Having our dinner here at Mali's Place, Kilanas. Not bad lah but to be honest there are always room for improvement. Sambal pusu sedap but needing a bit more of sugar and honestly the pusu need a good thorough wash and a good beating supaya licak. The fried wings pun need a bit of salt to taste. They do need to tweak a bit lah durang punya marination. Owh and the soup although its free but if they put a bit more effort in tasting it in shaa Allah their food will be superb. 

Happy birthday Dear Ajithman. Lots of Love from your friend yang suka bergambar tutup mulut teeheehee.


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