Saturday, August 31, 2019

Saturday 31/08/2019

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Totally nda sangka i managed to post this last post for the month of August. Ehh Nda lah ada lagi satu post but that would be just a greeting. I only had under an hour to finish the last two post and updating my blog using my phone isn't easy.

Its fun when my Wife pun ambil cuti today. Berdangan ku weekend ani. Woke up a bit early today pasal we had a few Pie meet point deliveries. Then kami atu mencari spot breakkie yang bersantai. Shared this photo arah group chat taus c Dang Icy berista jom breakkie. Lingered a bit then all of us agreed to meet di Coffee Bean Beribi.

Bercali ni durg dua aaa. Nyangku kan breakfast di CB ngorder Ruti Kawin (Toast) and Milo Panas (Hot Choc) Cawir tu! Nyangku makan wah bukan g breakfast ni kira brunch udah. 

Hence these were the foods that we ordered. Alhamdulillah good food great company. May this last a life time. Amin Ya Rabb.

Since it's a long weekend. It's time to go back home to KB. And My God! The final sunset for 1440H was a real beauty. 

Dinner is served. But hey jgn plang kamu pikir these roti johns untuk aku sorg. Yth family dinner kami ni. Ku gtau org umah jantah memasak. Esok saja kamu memasak-masak. So we had these.

While watching John Wick 3. Well nda jua ku fully concentrate. Di malam dah ku meliat. Terkanang ku blog ku alum lagi dikemaskinikan hence here i am posting this post. Wooohooo! I'm done. Time to release the posts.


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