Saturday, August 31, 2019

Thursday 22/08/2019

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

And then it was Thursday hehehe.

When you Mother In Law offer a pie for breakfast. You must say yes especially if its out fresh from the oven. Owh blessing.

Dijadikan cerita aku ani terkandung tah jua dalam proses meng saparais birthday ani. Ya lagi aware berabis malar tia mencek pantry especially kalau the people around his cubicle lalang. So by afternoon durg Sybah and Mimi terpaksa menyediakan cake nya di luar opis and when they're ready. Kedia lari ke jamban kononnya mencek pantry but durang nada hahahaha. It also gave the chance for Sybah n Mimi to sneak into our office and straight to the meeting room. Ku tuntut ya sampai ke jamban and then ku gtau ada tenant kan jumpa. Voila he fell for it and we got him!

Tais liur kan makan dim sum. Didn't fancy makan barang yang berminyak. Mind you though dim sum isn't healthy either. The amount of sodium in it is bloody high. But if you hardly had any then tak salah ponnnnn.

Another of the August babies. Happy birthday Ka Bibi. In case kamu wondering which one tu yang bergalas mata aa. Yang bersongkok atu lakinya obviously hahahahah.

Trust me guys this will not be the end of August babies punya shout out. I have a few more shout outs to go in the coming days.


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