Friday, July 20, 2018

Monday 09/07/2018

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

The Day!

Weeks of non stop meeting. Going through the costing. Trying to figure the timing. Then all the preps. Hopefully everything goes well today.

Gagaran ku yo when it was already pushing 11 am and our main course alum sampai. The sushi boat alum sampai. Balik balik ku menelipun nda pandai ada. Last last bilanya sampai alhamdulillah hilang marah hahaha. Proof to be one of the fast going food that day. Originally we ordered 2 boats worths $200 each and i choose the menu yg org ofis ku suka. Which mostly are cooked ones lah. And i remember when the first habis in less than 30 mins. Kami panyap relax sekajap then keluarkan lagi another boat. Teringat ku somebody said yes!

Both sushi boat habis in matter of minutes so our Ceo instructed me to order for a few boats. Called up excapade only yg $300 saja available. He wanted two nganya aku takut by the time sushi atu sampai acara kan abis. Now when everything settle down menyasal ku jua nda ordered two. Yg $300 atu pun cun cun setgh jam habis. Atu baruya pandai durg ani makan.

Among other food menus on offer that day. I must say the food was lavish and most live cooks menu semua habis alhamdulillah.

Kudos to ISM team who really put a lot of efforts ensuring today's raya event a success.

We also hire Say Cheese photo booth which proof to be a very popular place. Malar berintai queue bah rasa kami kan bergambar ah hahahaha.

Sharing a few photos of the suasana of the event. Lalah bui! hahahaha tapi siuk pasal bilang org tolong menolong.

Our Chairman the Minister of MEI was also there. What a sporting guy he is.

 Jangan kurang menyanyi bui! Walaupun yg banarnya aku atu kelalahan and to be very honest i was still feeling super sickish. Udah kana bawa nyanyi lagu Dirgahayu Cinta atu layan eh. Bila lagi masanya diri kan angan angan jadi c Pejal Tahirr!


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