Thursday, October 31, 2019

Tuesday 01/10/2019

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Alhamdulillah as i was very glad kami nda keluar umah di malam. The weather was so bad all day and night when we woke up and i checked my phone. Lots of viralled photos and videos of flash flood.

Masih deras bah aliran air atu. Meaning to say up stream memang kedalaman banar.

Overslept and both of us were feeling the affect of it. Well who can blame us. It was a very pleasant night sleep.

Plan pagi ani was to have a site meeting / inspection with my Assistant Manager since we received lots of reports from our tenants with regards to the flash flood. But first lemme make a shoutout for the people who made and sell this sandwich. This is quality stuff which i really enjoyed eating it. And to be honest jua with a filling like this i don't mind paying $1.50 at all.

Atu dalam! Clearly u can see the watermark at the gate. And then andang jua site kami ani kebilangan with their land settlement issues. Hence why capat and malar kedalaman.

On the way balik kan ke kereta ku. Atu galak usul langit atu and i was praying mun kan hujan please janganlah hujan yang labat mcm di malam.

Thank god the rain wasn't as heavy as the night before. Syukur alhamdulillah.


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