Wednesday, August 28, 2024

August 2024 Post 1 - December 2024 Memories

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Wednesday, 28 August 2024.

The last posting for 2023 memories. 

Promised Kaka and Adik if they did well during the exam, I bring them out for a treat at Toys R Us. Sekali little I know my wife mau bawa their two younger sisters. Then tahu tahu Fasiha their cousin pun ada. Hahahaha okaylah rezeki sorang2.

Stopped by McDonald's for lunch and my goodness. You have 4 hungry children with big appetites and want to eat everything on the menu. I managed to runding them just to have a value meal and ice cream. Obviously, you ended up having to finish their food. Then when they became overly active due to the sugar rush they ran around the restaurant. Nasib baik kami nganya yg conquers, so I let them run around to burn the sugar rush. Hence, our drive back home was so quiet. Pandaikan! ahahahahaha.

My wife had a small operation to remove a growth on her eyelid. As usual lakinya yg panic padahal it's a simple operation. 

Tapi jan iksen ih. Kabak2 jua is lakat plus a bit batah jua lah menunggu gilirannya kan masuk.

Bisai jua bah di Hospital Tutong ani. Kana bagi jua makan walaupun tah kira day ward saja. Nganya yg kesiannya, baru jua kedia kan makan bah.

Kana panggil tia untuk masuk ke OT. Also membari kesian Pa Ji aaa. Nya my wife jantah ku disurung boleh ku jalan sendiri. Nda jua ya mau eh takutnya kana marah hehehe.

Alhamdulillah all went well.

Since it's a Saturday and she is basically on MC. I told her let's drive to KB lawat my family then esok berehat saja di rumah. So taus tah membawa kedia makan at her favorite Japanese restaurant, Kaizen Sushi.

Atu pandai mengorder kami dua ani hahahaha. Alhamdulillah good food good company.

Attending one of ISM colleague's wedding. Look at my old Pocophone. Rusak masa ani yo but I'm thinking of fixing it plang but need to check dulu if it will delete all my files. If hilang semua file ku then biar ca malas tah ku ingau kan spend duit.

Attending another colleague's wedding at Bridex. This time it's our admin colleague Zulhilmi's wedding.

It's Aileen's birthday and my wife and her sister kan treat the girls main arcade di Yayasan.

Biasalah musim sekolah will start soon. So my wife and I sponsored the girls' new school shoes. Menolong2 meringankan beban perbelanjaan indung durg. Lagipun yth caranya bagi kami kan merasa membalikan anak barang sekolah. Mana tani tahu, nanti Allah sampaikan jua hajat kami laki bini.

And then suddenly covid cases in Brunei melonjak lagi. Then my wife gtau a few of her colleagues in the office terkana. Sekali nahh terkana tah jua kedia. But this time around malas ku udah kan jauh jauh tidur so we ended up sleeping together with me wearing a mask all the time. And makan sorg sorg di kadai hahahaha.

MOFE's hair kempen kebersihan. Biasalah bulan December kan. Macam-macam tah acara kana adakan. 

And this would be my last photo to share for the year 2023. Done!

Thank You 2023.
