Monday, July 15, 2024

July 2024 Post 1

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Friday, 15 July 2024.

This is my first posting for July. 

Just chilling in my room right now. Definitely not enjoying the weekend as I've been suffering from asthma, running nose, an allergic reaction, and now a bit of diarrhea. 

Definitely thinking about taking a day off tomorrow and working from home. At least if I'm feeling weak again, I just drop everything and go to sleep.

Also, I've been planning on posting something on my blog as we are in mid-July. Plus a sudden realization as we are entering the second half of 2024. My goodness guys, time does move fast and it ain't waiting for anyone.

The workload is getting heavier as the weeks come by. Alhamdulillah though, my wife and I can start thinking of our next vacation. We planned to go to Kota Kinabalu in late August to celebrate her birthday and our ninth wedding anniversary. In Shaa Allah kalau ada lebih rezeki dan diberikan keizinan oleh Allah sampai tah ke sana tu.

Anyway, I think ani tah dulu guys. Probably kalau rajin I will continue with the 2023 memories posts since tinggal bulan December saja lagi balum ku share. 

Until then, do take care y'all.
