Friday, May 31, 2024

May Post 3 - November 2023 KK Trip Memories Day 2 (Part 2)

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Saturday,18 May 2024  - November 2023 Memories (KK Trip)

Day 2, Part 2. The Morning Shopping Bit.

This morning our plan was to do some havoc at Suria Sabah. Honestly,  both my wife and I prefer berjalan di Suria Sabah. Maybe pasal kadai nya sana siuk2 or maybe jua sal ada proper tampat duduk hehehehe. Somehow the feel arah Suria Sabah lebih siuk dari Imago.

Sampai2 saja then my wife told me ya tais liur kan bali jam ice. Sekali biasalah kan during Black Friday Sale ani mcm hebat lah! So aku pun taus tah jua membalikan dangan sebuting jam. Untuk siapa biartah org-org nya saja tahu.

Then aku found a new hack. Kira nya macam I let my wife walk around looking for barang ya kan bali. Things she likes and kediaku malas kan ikut because let's be honest. Bini-bini kalau shopping bukannya tantu. Pigang barang then ampai then jalan ke hujung. Nda terpakai yg dihujung diaga balik barang yang dipegang tadi. Hence dari ku cranky, I told her you go to how many shops you want. Just find me at the public seating area. If i'm not around, just call, seat and wait for me. Pleasant shopping experience for both of us.

So while walking about, I did some window shopping. I keep on walking past a few glass shops. Then I was contemplating on buying a proper shade. So when my wife joined me sitting down, I told her about this. She stood up and pulled me into the shop. 30 mins later I bought myself a nice Ray Ban glasses. 

Kadai ani berhantu. Kenapa aku cakap catu? Every time kami ke Suria Sabah, kadai ani lambai2 kami kemudian aku sama biniku ended up membali barang. EWT Technology nama kadainya. Kalau kamu kan mau tahu la tu jua.

Coffee time! Trying out HWC. Okaylah it is what it is. I really enjoyed it.

Selasai minum, kaki lenguh. So kami balik hotel dulu untuk berehat for sesi malam.

Part 3 next guys!


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