Friday, May 31, 2024

May Post 2 - November 2023 KK Trip Memories Day 1

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Sunday,12 May 2024  - November 2023 Memories (KK Trip)

This has to be one of the most enjoyable KK trips yet. So as usual we're gonna do this in parts. On the 25th of November, we decided on another KK trip. Since kami dua andang selalu mengalah when it comes to December school holiday. We let our colleagues yg ada anak utk bercuti. Plus nda jua ku gagau kan berartur di border berjam-jam during school holidays.

We left Sg. Tampoi around 9 am and almost an hour later we arrived at the Labu Immigration Post. Alum jua ramai org lah time ani thank god.

Once lapas dari Post Mengkalap Lawas, we went straight to Lawas Town to buy simcard. Biasalah berapa banyak udah numbur line Malaysia diparam hahahaha.

And of course, memang akan confirm singgah di Masjid Besar Lawas untuk meminjam jamban. Then straight to Feri at Kuala Lawas.

The view presented before us on our way to the ferry was always spectacular. Both my wife and I enjoy this part of the trip.

Dah jadi signature post, mengambar tangan yg saling bergenggaman sambil menunggu kami punya turn untuk naik feri.

And here we are, enjoying the ferry ride. Yes memang barang ani ikut nasib kitani. Kalau nda batah menunggu memang akan capat sampai. However, I still remember it clearly masa kami baru joining the queue, the car in front of us decided to make a U-Turn and went for the long route. We were already at Sipitang when I saw them again.

Biasalah aku atu tais liur kan makan satay siga-siga. I really enjoyed it the first time we tried it during our last trip to KK. This time around macam meh rasaku. Entahlah aku pun hairan kekadang.

Everytime kami kan masuk kawasan Lok Kawi after the traffic light. You will pass by kawasan pantai ani. Then my wife got excited terus kelam kabut switched her phone's camera while panicking lupa clicked record. And when she finally did click record ani tah nganya ampit nya hahahahaha everytime!

Alhamdulillah, we arrived at Hilton, Kota Kinabalu around 4 pm. I did the checked in through online so the process at the front desk was very seamless. The good thing about self-checked in ani, is they let you pick which floor (ikut availability) and room (ikut view and of course availability jua). I chose a room on the top floor that shared the same floor with access to the swimming pool and bar. Kinda bising at times with people passing by our room while on their way to the pool area. 

In case kamu kan tau berapa ku bayar for our room. Aku booked directly from their website as I am now a member. Better than through Booking and Agoda lah guys! And of course, you got a personalized welcome note from the Front Office Manager.

While waiting for our maxim ride to arrive. Ku pajal biniku bergambar with the Christmas tree. Imagine tia org pemalu ku pajal hahahahahahhahaha kurang ikhlas senyumannya. 

When to Madam Kwan's Imago for dinner. Kelaparan kami bah, di Sipitang pun makan satay saja. We didn't order any other side dish hence bila sampai saja our food. MELAHAP!

I never thought this ever happened but from early dinner to going through a few shops doing a lil shopping and.

And back in the hotel just in time for the Man City V Liverpool match hahahahahahahaha. Sasak jua my wife lah. Told her esok tani berabis jalan aaaaa.

The good thing about staying at the Hilton Hotel is a 24-hour fried chicken shop available across the road. Kalau lapar, bali saja ani. Owh Welcome Seafood was also just around the corner.

And that marks the end of day 1.


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