Sunday, May 12, 2024

May 2024 Post 1

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Sunday,12 May 2024  - November 2023 Memories (Food)

In this post, we are sharing all the foods we enjoyed in November 2023. And it's quite a few jua lah. And by the way, this post was previously drafted in March however, I skipped blogging for over a month or two. Forgot completely about the blog during Ramadhan and Raya hahahaha.

I am struggling to locate the file of all the photos I previously prepared for this post. However, this going to be quite a long post about food. So do enjoy!

The set above was photos I took while the both of us having dinner at the newly refurbished KTM restaurant at Jerudong. And of course, when you are in the place, you definitely need to order the prawn cracker and acar combo. The savory umami taste of the cracker mixed with the sweet, sour & tangy tastes of the acar just exploded in your mouth. Membari nyanyat!

Another one of the restaurants that we hardly visited but absolutely enjoyed was Nasi Katok Lily restaurant at Jerudong. Now, guys You need to order the mix sambal, sambal hijau, and sambal biasa. Then you need to order a minimum of 5 cuts of grilled chicken with plain white rice. That combo on its own just made you drool. And of course for the non-poultry fan. The ikan penyet was also not a bad option.

And if you are a fan of "wok hei" noodles then you need to drive all the way to KB and try Lot 33's fried noodle and fried udon dishes. You can basically smell the "wok hei" and the silkiness of the noodles covered in sesame oil straight after they serve your dish. And a bite of it you can immediately taste the charred noodle and smokiness of it. 

One of the best places to enjoy quesadillas in Brunei. Honestly, I know this is not an authentic one. You need to try Ricardo's! However, on an experience level, I loved the prawn quesadillas more than the pulled beef. And to be honest, I came here for those. It's been quite some time since the last time I visited Sip and Snack. Need to put this in my June food budget planner.

Yes, guys! You need to have a food budget planner. You can't just blindly spend money on eating out. You need to control the urge. So when the time comes for you to enjoy all the food from these expensive restaurants. You will appreciate it more!

The last set would be one of the best if not the best place to enjoy fresh dim sum. The Traders Cafe at Beribi, and please, don't be confused with another Trader's Cafe which was located at the end of the same building.

The first time I tried the dim sum was 3-4 years ago during Ramadhan and I've been coming back ever since. And the photos above are the must items that I always ordered. The fried carrot cake, Shang Hai dumpling, shark fin dumpling, and that prawn thingy that my wife loved.

Macam menyasal jua ku kamu eh! it's almost ten pm right now. Making a post pasal makanan ani membari tais liur tia plang baaa hahahahahahaha.

Until my next post. Take care yerrr.


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